examples of some recent projects
cashew nuts
oil palm
nitrogen enhancement
tree crops network
crop molecular technology
cultivar development
Cashew Nuts in Mozambique and Tanzania - the rehabilitation of the cashew
crop - developing husbandry practices, crop protection, genetic improvement,
strategy development and planning (funded by US AID). Also in Tanzania including
the re-introduction of an active breeding programme under funding from the world
bank, DfID and the Tanzanian government.
Oil Palm in Sumatra, Indonesia - the breeding of improved oil palm planting
material, the development of new breeding strategies, biotechnological and
tissue culture techniques for more efficient protocols with a large commercial
Cultivar breeding as well as both seed and ware production systems in the UK and
Assessment in a Mediterranean country of site and soil suitability for orchard
Winners in 2000 of a UK Government DTI SMART award for work for a natural soil
nitrogen enhancement project.
Involved in feasibility and establishment of networks for east-south Africa and
west-central Africa
External expert in reviews of technical aspects of the UK’s ministry of
agriculture, fisheries & food’s funded programmes.
Exchange and testing of varieties, cultivars and breeder’s lines between
and within countries.
Organisation, editing & publishing of the DfID funded publication of
"cashew & coconut: trees for life - the key to
Interpretation and translation of scientific/technical meetings and papers in
a range of languages.
Covering individual specific technique to higher degree and underlying skill
based training.
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