biohybrids agrisystems ltd

Mission: to assist and encourage the research into, and development of, integrated crop management systems for improved agricultural production throughout the world by a range of methods including participatory knowledge and technology transfer to the grower.

Objectives: to provide a range of expertise and experience in order to directly help optimize production through the utilization of available knowledge thereby allowing the integrated management of inputs, strategies, germplasm and resources. Additionally to assist, where appropriate, in the efficient participatory transfer of knowledge and technology to the farmers, farmer groups or company to sustainably improve income and livelihoods.

Mechanisms: through direct and personal contact; by undertaking consultation using experts recognized in the subject area; providing vocational and educational training; implementation of scientific expertise ranging from the cutting edge of research to the direct application at grower level; pursuing in-country participation; providing information at all levels and doing so in appropriate languages and formats; operating in an interactive manner with all the stakeholders involved. Implicit in our approach is the sustainable strengthening of any collaborative organisations, institutions or infrastructral framework.

senior team

Peter Caligari BSc PhD DSc CBiol FIBiol FRSA

Managing director - expert in a wide range of production systems in both temperate and tropical production with particular expertise in plant breeding, propagation and the application of biotechnology.

Clive Topper BSc PhD

Director - expert in project management and implementation; integrated crop management and crop protection; reduction of systems to practice; participatory knowledge and technology transfer.

Keith Lobley FFA

Company Secretary - wide experience of administration and financial management, project planning and on-going programme control.



Peter D S Caligari

BioHybrids AgriSystems Ltd, PO Box 2411, Earley, Reading, RG6 5FY, UK

Telephone: + 44 (0) 118 969 1757; Fax: +44 (0) 118 921 9028


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Copyright © 2007 BioHybrids Ltd
Last modified: 01 March 2007