biohybrids services ltd

Mission: to assist and encourage the development of environmentally sustainable crop production and management systems for agricultural and horticultural production throughout the world.

Objectives: to provide a range of expertise and experience in order to directly help optimize production with due consideration to the soil and plant-soil interactions as part of the integrated management of inputs, approaches, germplasm and resources.

Mechanisms: through direct and personal contact; by undertaking consultation using experts recognized in the subject area; providing vocational and educational training; implementation of scientific expertise ranging from the cutting edge of research to the direct application at grower level; pursuing in-country participation; providing information at all levels and doing so in appropriate languages and formats; operating in an interactive format with all the players involved.

senior team

Peter Caligari BSc PhD DSc CBiol FIBiol FRSA

Managing director - expert in a wide range of production systems in both temperate and tropical production with particular expertise in plant breeding, propagation and the application of biotechnology.

Martin Wood BSc PhD

Director - expert in soil science, plant-soil interactions and environmental microbiology; soil analysis and remediation.

Keith Lobley FFA

Company Secretary - wide experience of administration and financial management, project planning and on-going programme control.



Peter D S Caligari

BioHybrids Services Ltd, PO Box 2411, Earley, Reading, RG6 5FY, UK

Telephone: + 44 (0) 118 969 1757; Fax: +44 (0) 118 921 9028


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Copyright © 2007 BioHybrids Ltd
Last modified: 01 March 2007